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The importance of websites for accountants
The nature of the accountant profession is the challenge. After all, working with the financial and personnel part of a company is always a highly responsible task that requires a high level of knowledge and clarity in data analysis.
1. Federal Accounting Council (CFC)
The website do CFC brings together the main news from the accounting universe. The institution is a special corporate autarchy, which informs accountants about lectures, events and has a news agency with information on the main updates in the accounting sector.
The CFC has a current market view and provides useful information on its website, which helps the accountant in a quick update. In addition, he is important for the lectures available virtually, which help in the training of an accountant, and for addressing topics with relevant information. It is a reliable and authoritative website in the accounting area.
2. Regional Accounting Councils (CRC-SP)
The Regional Accounting Council was created with the aim of regulating the accounting profession. Headquartered in Brasilia and present in all states of the federation, as o CRC SP for accountants in the state of São Paulo, oversees and develops activities to enhance the accounting profession.
Your state's CRC promotes the schedule of activities and continuing education for the accounting class in partnerships with educational institutions, providing discounts at universities that offer accounting courses (undergraduate and graduate school, for example).
Therefore, it is a great consultation option for you to keep up to date on matters relevant to the accounting field on a daily basis and for networking, as the CRC holds regional and state conventions to promote the meeting of professionals in the area.
3. Accounting: the portal of the accounting profession
Created in 1999, site accounting brings together the main news from the tax, economic and business sector (which also includes accounting). There is an interesting tool which is the debate forum for accountants, in which professionals can network and talk about the main subjects in the area — this virtual space is considered one of the best forums in the sector.
The portal also provides very important subjects about the accounting universe, which makes it a great source of news for quick and daily consultations.
4.Companies classified in the Simple Nacional this information is for you_cc781935-95-4cde-4cde-3b6d
Companies classified as SIMPLES NATIONAL, stay tuned com for purchase operations outside the State.
Atualmente, todos os documentos são eletrônicos, onde as empresas estão sujeitas a fiscalização, e penalidades strict.
5. Invoice from São Paulo
All the basic information, so as not to be surprised by a possible notification.
7.Sped Fiscal
Declaration that has been in force for more than 7 years, integrating the information immediately with the FEDERAL and STATE REVENUE.
Todos os dados referente a sua movimentação de _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_purchases and sales , demonstrate the calculations delivered in the FISCAL SPED (ICMS AND IPI)
See some rules.
6. Family Salary 2020
Paid by Social Security, the Salário Família 2020 is a benefit for families with children up to 14 years of age. These children can be natural or adopted, with no distinction between them. Are there any criteria for receiving o Salário Família 2020, understand more about the benefit by reading the following article.
With each year that passes, the integration of electronic documents and statements submitted to the Federal Revenue always aim at a better way of monitoring the suitability of companies.
Declaration that will replace a DCTF soon, according to the FEDERAL REVENUE schedule. is composed of on documents received and issued by companies, demonstrating the monthly calculated value of PIS AND COFINS.
See some rules.